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No Prison For Priest Shooter

The attorney for a man acquitted of attempted murder in the shooting of an allegedly abusive priest reached a deal Tuesday that could keep him out of jail for handgun violations.

Under the arrangement, Dontee Stokes, 26, would serve 18 months of house arrest and be placed on probation for three years, Circuit Judge John Prevas said.

Prevas said he would hold a sentencing hearing on Feb. 14 to finalize the deal.

The judge announced the deal a day after Stokes, a former altar boy, was acquitted of attempted murder, reckless endangerment and assault but convicted of three gun charges. Stokes accused the Rev. Maurice Blackwell of sexually abusing him.

Defense attorney Warren Brown said he would seek to reduce the amount of time Stokes would spend under house arrest. It wasn't immediately clear if Stokes would get credit for the seven months he has served since his arrest in May for the shooting.

The agreement canceled a planned hearing Tuesday to determine if Stokes was criminally responsible for the weapons violations. Brown had planned to argue that Stokes wasn't criminally responsible for the shooting because he suffered from a "mental disorder" as a result of sexual abuse.

Brown also said he wanted to avoid the possibility of the jury finding Stokes criminally responsible for the gun violations, which would allow the judge to send him to prison.

If convicted of attempted murder, Stokes could have received life in prison.

The acquittal was another sign that Americans are angry at the abuse committed by priests, reports CBS News Correspondent Barry Bagnato. Even though Stokes admits he shot Blackwell three times, jurors refused to hold him responsible. Stokes' reaction?

"Maybe it'll send a message that people still do care about the victims," he told reporters.

When asked if he had a message for the priest, Stokes said: "I have no message for Maurice Blackwell; I'll pray for Maurice Blackwell."

Prosecutors worry a different message has been delivered, that violent revenge is sometimes acceptable.

Prosecutor Sylvester Cox has told jurors that Stokes' abuse allegation didn't justify the attack. "It gives him absolutely, absolutely, no right to go out on the street, find this man and shoot him down on the street," Cox said.

Stokes' mother, Tamara Stokes, closed her eyes and prayed as the jury forewoman read the verdicts. Her sisters clasped hands, holding their children on their laps; several of the women wept.

Tamara Stokes said: "I think this helps a lot of cases across the country. As for abuse victims, I'm not saying this is the way to go, but for victims coming forward, there is some light."

A statement released late Monday by Martin Menton, director of the Baltimore chapter of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, said the organization was gratified by the decision.

"It has been a tough and unfortunate situation for everyone. Although SNAP in no way condones violence, we think the jury made the correct decision," the statement read.

Brown, Stokes' attorney, spent much of the five-day trial trying to convince jurors that Stokes wasn't criminally responsible for the shooting because he was suffering a "mental disorder" as a result of the alleged sexual abuse by Blackwell.

Cardinal William Keeler told jurors last week he regretted reinstating Blackwell after the allegations of abuse surfaced. Blackwell was sent back to St. Edward Roman Catholic Church under strict restrictions after he spent three months undergoing psychiatric evaluation.

As he walked to the witness stand, Keeler shook hands with Stokes. Brown said that sight made an impression on jurors. "If the church was willing to forgive, in the jury's mind, it was easier for them to let him go," Brown said.

Blackwell, 56, who came to the witness stand during the five-day trial but declined to testify, was wounded in his left hand and left hip. He hasn't been charged as a result of Stokes' allegations that he raped him in 1993.

"I think it sends a message that the wrongs that have occurred have to be righted," said Stokes.

He urges prosecutors now to charge Blackwell. Nine years ago, authorities said they didn't have enough evidence.

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