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New Treatment For Diabetics

Frank Rabanzo is one of about 16 million Americans who suffer from adult-onset, or Type II, diabetes.

His body can no longer produce normal levels of insulin. Left untreated, the condition can be fatal. He used to take pills to control the disease, but they weren't enough. His doctor told him that in addition to his daily blood tests, he would have to inject himself with insulin, reports CBS News Correspondent Vince Gonzales.

"I didn't care to give myself injections two, three times a day," Rabanzo said.

Thanks to a new device designed by Inhale Therapeutic Systems, he may never have to use a needle to get his life-saving medicine. The device delivers insulin into the lungs, where it's absorbed into the bloodstream.

In data released Wednesday, researchers found inhaling insulin can be just as effective as injections, as long as patients continue to take their oral medication. While early results seem promising, there is a final round of testing that begins in November.

And then the company says it could be the year 2000 before the FDA approves inhaled insulin for diabetics.

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