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MLB investigating homophobic slur written on eye-black of Blue Jays' Yunel Escobar

(CBS/AP) TORONTO - Major League Baseball is checking reports that Toronto Blue Jays shortstop Yunel Escobar played Saturday's game against Boston wearing eye-black displaying a homophobic slur written in Spanish.

A Getty picture posted online shows Escobar with the message written in his eye-black, a sticker players wear under their eyes to reduce glare from the sun. Translated to English, it means "You are a (word that's a slur against homosexual men)."

The slur did not appear to be directed at any person in particular.

Getty Images confirmed the photo's authenticity to

MLB spokesman Pat Courtney confirmed the commissioner's office is looking into the reports.

"The club takes this situation seriously and is investigating the matter," the Blue Jays said in a statement Monday night, adding they "do not support discrimination of any kind nor condone the message displayed by Yunel Escobar during Saturday's game."

The team said Escobar will be available to the media Tuesday afternoon at Yankee Stadium along with general manager Alex Anthopoulos, manager John Farrell and coach Luis Rivera.

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