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Mitt's Brother To Co-Chair McCain Campaign In Michigan


Scott Romney, the older brother of John McCain's former GOP rival Mitt Romney, will become a co-chairman of the McCain campaign in Michigan, confirms.

Both Romney brothers were in Farmington Hills, Michigan, on Monday to mark the opening of John McCain's Great Lakes regional headquarters. In his opening remarks to the crowd of over 200 people, Chuck Yob, McCain's state chairman, referred to Scott Romney as "our new co-chair."

When asked about his new role in his brother's former rival's campaign, Scott Romney told that the announcement was not supposed to be made public yet.

But Michigan Republican Party Chairman Saul Anuzis confirmed that Romney, an attorney, would take on a formal role in the McCain campaign.

"That's big because not only is that [Mitt's] brother, but he's a leader here," Anuzis said.

Scott and Mitt Romney were born and raised in Michigan, where their father George was governor from 1963 to 1969. The family name still resonates in the state, and Romney won the Jan. 15 primary, beating McCain by nine points.

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