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Mike Brown reportedly to be next Lakers coach

Mike Brown in a 2005 file photo. AP Photo

The Lakers will hire Mike Brown as their new head coach following the retirement of Phil Jackson, Matt Steinmetz of CSN Bay Area reports.

Steinmetz reports two sources confirmed a four-year, $18 million deal for Brown. Previous reports had Brown close to a deal following owner Jerry Buss telling reporters that the Lakers were "very close" to a new head coach.

As notes, Brown brings plusses and minuses, as he is a stellar defensive coach respected by veterans like those the Lakers have. Conversely, Brown is also a questionable offensive coach, relying on offensive assistants for help in that area. He is known as a key motivator, which the Lakers could clearly use after a lackadaisical season. But there are questions about his ability to wrangle stars after the way LeBron James dominated the situation in Cleveland. Now he faces an even more ego-heavy locker room.

There was talk the next Lakers coach would have to take a pay cut, and should the report be accurate, this is a considerable cut from what Jackson made last season, reports.

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