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Michael Bolton gets SNL viral video treatment with "Jack Sparrow" skit

Michael Bolton and Lonely Island
Screengrab from "Jack Sparrow"

(CBS/What's Trending) - Michael Bolton is known for his soft rock ballads that can woo the ladies. And now, you can add musical comedic genius to his list thanks to "Jack Sparrow."

Bolton's tenors/countertenor vocals starred in a "Saturday Night Live" Lonely Island music video for their new song "Jack Sparrow," a hip-hop anthem that's supposed to be about doing your thing in the club -- until Bolton switches the topic to his cinefile obsession with the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies.

As you can tell, hilarity ensues as Bolton keeps harmonizing "Jack Sparrow" and "Davy Jones' Locker" over the rap, eventually dressing up as the famed captain as he belts out a passion-filled ballad about his love for the films. The video has already has had 1,113,361 views since it was posted two days ago, making it one of the most popular viral videos on YouTube right now.
We don't know what makes us laugh more: how much Bolton appears to love the "Pirates" movies or the confused looks on the Lonely Island boys faces when they realize that the singer didn't write the chorus that they asked him to pen. But, definitely not on the list of chuckle-worthy moments is seeing Bolton in Erin Brockovich-style drag. That's just plain scary.
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