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McCain Reminds Pennsylvanians of Obama's "Bitter" Comments


From CBS News' John Bentley:

PHILADELPHIA – John McCain courted voters in this important swing state by reminding them of Barack Obama's comments that small town Pennsylvanians "cling to guns or religion" because they are "bitter."

"I'm going to tell them I don't agree with Sen. Obama that they cling to their religion and the Constitution because they're bitter," McCain said as he explained how he planned to win Pennsylvania in the fall. "The people who love their country, who cherish their religion, and support the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, that's the message, and that's another reason why we're going to win the state of Pennsylvania."

McCain also repeated his assertion that an Obama presidency would be a second term for Jimmy Carter. "One of the attacks on me has been that it'd be President Bush's third term," McCain said, in response to a question from the audience asking him to explain his comment comparing Obama to Carter. "In terms of national security, to taxation, to the increase of the role of government, it seems to me Sen. Obama is dusting off the old policies of the 60s and 70s that failed."

Although he was in Philadelphia, McCain opened his town hall here talking about tomorrow's town hall in New York. "I have not hard from Sen. Obama, but I urge him to meet with me in town hall meetings all over America," he said. "I asked him to join me tomorrow night in Federal Hall in New York City, and let's hear from the American people."

McCain has proposed a series of 10 town hall meetings across the country, starting Thursday at Federal Hall in Manhattan. Obama's campaign said they were interested in joint appearances, but have yet to RSVP for the New York town hall.

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