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McCain Outlines Economic Plan, Goes Afer Obama's


From CBS News' John Bentley:

Trying to move away from the current administration's economic policy and outline his own plan, John McCain will go after his Democratic rivals today, saying their plans to resuscitate the economy are nearly identical. "Senator Clinton and Senator Obama have agreed to raise your taxes, to regulate your business more than ever, and to spend more of your money in Washington," McCain will say, according to excerpts released by the campaign. "That's their idea of 'change,' but it sure sounds familiar to me."

While McCain went after Barack Obama on his foreign policy last week, he's switching his critiques to the domestic side this Monday morning. At a speech to the National Restaurant Association in Chicago, McCain will bring up the Obama camp's comments about NAFTA during the Ohio primaries, where their candidate criticized the agreement publically, but had an adviser telling the Canadian government something different. "The Senator's senior economic advisor told a representative of Canada to pay no attention to this anti-trade rhetoric from Senator Obama -- it was all just "political positioning" for the primary elections," McCain will say. "But for those of us who were paying attention, what we heard was not impressive." McCain will accuse Obama of playing on workers' fears of foreign trade, which he says "breeds resentment instead of opportunity."

The global economy is also keeping us safer. "The good that trade agreements offer to other nations -- from South America to Asia to Africa -- comes back to us many times over, not only in jobs and prosperity but in greater security for America," McCain will argue.

He will turn his sights on current issues in Washington as well, such as the farm bill, which he says is contributing to high food prices. "Congress has voted to give billions of dollars in subsidies to some of the biggest and richest agribusiness corporations in America -- many of which are heavy political contributors to members in both parties," McCain will say. "I would veto that bill, and all others like it that serve only the cause of special interests and corporate welfare."

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