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McCain, Obama Continue To Hit Hard In Ads

Another day, another pair of critical ads from the McCain and Obama campaigns.

In its new ad, called "Mum," the McCain camp pushes the notion that its candidate has proactively taken action on the financial crisis while rival Barack Obama stayed silent. The 30-second spot will be "televised nationally," according to the campaign.

"In crisis, experience matters," an announcer says in the spot. "McCain and his Congressional allies led. Tough rules on Wall Street. Stop CEO rip-offs. Protect your savings and pensions."

She continues: "Obama and his liberal allies? Mum on the market crisis. Because no one knows what to do. More taxes. No leadership. A risk your family can't afford."

Obama-Biden spokesman Bill Burton responded to the ad with this statement: "This ad is laughable. If you believe John McCain, George Bush and the Republicans in Washington have led on reforming Wall Street and restraining CEO pay, I've got a bridge in Alaska to sell you."

The Obama camp, meanwhile, is out with "Destination," which suggests that McCain pledged during a trip to Bermuda to protect a "tax scheme" benefiting insurance company executives and their lobbyists, who gave McCain $50,000.

The spot opens with island music and a shot of McCain in sunglasses.

"Bermuda," says an announcer. "It's more than just a vacation destination for John McCain. McCain went to Bermuda…and while he was there pledged to protect tax breaks for American corporations that hide their profits offshore."

He adds: "And grateful insurance company executives and their lobbyists who benefit from the tax scheme, gave McCain $50,000. John McCain. He took a vacation, and so much more. And we get more of the same."

Responds McCain-Palin spokesman Tucker Bounds: "Barack Obama's ad cleverly ignores two key facts: his own campaign headquarters is provided by a company based in Bermuda, and is guilty of the very same off-shore benefits he's attacking."

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