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McCain Camp Quickly Responds To Biden Pick In New Ad

In a quick response to the Obama campaign's overnight announcement of Joe Biden as Obama's running mate, the McCain campaign has released an ad spotlighting Biden questioning Obama's readiness to be president.

The McCain camp says the spot, "Biden," will air in "key states."

"What does Barack Obama's running mate say about Barack Obama?," an announcer asks as the spot opens.

It then cuts to ABC's George Stephanopoulos, who is shown saying to Biden, "You were asked, 'Is he ready?' You said, 'I think he can be ready but right now, I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training.'"

Says Biden: "I think that I stand by the statement."

Cut back to the announcer: "And what does [Biden] say about John McCain?"

"I would be honored to run with or against John McCain, because I think the country would be better off," Biden says.

The Republican National Committee has also been sending information about Biden to reporters, including a 1988 gaffe reported by the San Diego Union Tribune. The blog post details how Biden said ''I think I have a much higher I.Q. than you do" and claimed he was in the top half of his law school class – something that wasn't true. Biden later said he exaggerates when angry.

And as CBS News chief political consultant Marc Ambinder reports, Republicans have already begun sending around Biden quotes – among them his statement last year that "The only guy on the other side who's qualified is John McCain."

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