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MAD Magazine Coming to CD ROM

Mindscape is putting together the digital collection of every issue of MAD dating back to the beginning. 1952. Editor Nick Meglin was there...

"MAD was originated as a comic book, ten cent comic book, which parodied the super heroes and other kinds of stories that were popular in comic books at the time."

Within a few years, MAD evolved into a magazine. The kind of magazine that your mother hated for you to read. Nothing was sacred. Nothing safe from MAD's unique blend of sometimes crude, sometimes rude, but almost always funny satire. And co-editor John Ficarra expects it won't just be kids clamoring for the CD ROM collection...

"For every kid that we sell this package to, we'll also sell it to a baby boomer, who grew up reading it in the fifties and like so many stories we hear, their mothers one day went under their bed and threw it all out. And they always wondered what happed to those issues and would love to look back at them again. And some of this stuff really holds up well."

What has changed about MAD? The price still says cheap, but it sells for 2.99. Beyond that...

"We change as the time changes since we're just reflecting our time. We always like to say, we just hold up a funhouse mirror to the society and to the culture and we're just giving it MAD spin.

The MAD collection from Mindscape should arrive in stores next month.
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