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Latourette: "I Guess We Got The 'pirate Vote' Now"

An angry, but funny, Rep. Steven LaTourette (R-Ohio) just used his time on the House floor to oppose the bailout bill.

Referring to a $193 million tax cut benefitting rum maker Bacardi, Inc., Latourette may have gotten off the best line of the day: "Well, I guess we got the pirate vote now."

LaTourette also criticized a tax break for companies that important wooden arrows. Yes, those kind of arrows.

"I want children to have wooden arrows, just not on this bill," LaTourette said.

Then the Ohio Republican laid into some of his GOP colleagues who voted "no" on the bailout package on Monday but supported party leaders today on a procedural vote allowing the measure to be brought up for a vote. LaTourette said if these Republicans had just voted against that motion, he and other lawmakers could have offered an amendment to revise the package.

"Shame on you, shame, shame, shame," LaTourette thundered.

Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), chairman of the Financial Services Committee and floor manager of the bailout bill, then noted that Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) also supported the legislation.

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