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Larson Announces Bid For Caucus Chair

As expected, Connecticut Rep. John B. Larson launched a bid to chair the Democratic Caucus Thursday afternoon, immediately after the current occupant, Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel, accepted the job as White House chief of staff under President-elect Barack Obama.

“I would first like to congratulate my colleague and friend Rahm Emanuel on his new position in the Obama Administration," Larson said in a statement. "I know the Obama Administration will be well served by his skills and acumen. I look forward to working with him on the President’s agenda for the country.

“With Rahm’s departure, I am running for Caucus Chair and asking my colleagues for their support," Larson continued. The Connecticut Democrat currently serves as the vice chairman of the caucus, a role he chose to keep to make room for Emanuel once he left the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. 

“To earn the respect of our diverse and talented Caucus you have to listen," Larson said. "I intend to lead the Caucus with a bottom up focus on member services, policy and strategy. I am proud to have a number of commitments from a wide spectrum of members and a team of surrogates ready to work on my behalf.

“Our Caucus will face many challenges over the next two years. I believe I can be a respectful voice for each member of this Caucus. And, I look forward to filling that role.”

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