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Kirstie Alley: Can "Dancing" gig bring sexy body?

kirstie alley
Kirstie Alley at an event in Los Angeles on March 9, 2011. Getty Images

(CBS) Can Kirstie Alley dance her way to weight loss? She says that's one of her goals as a contestant on the upcoming season 12 of "Dancing with the Stars."

"I've lost 60 pounds, and I have 30 or 40 more to go," the former "Fat Actress" star told US magazine. "And I think with this strenuous, rigorous dance schedule, I think it's going to work."

Alley's long battle of the bulge is no secret. Years ago, she became a spokesperson for Jenny Craig and lost 75 pounds on the weight-loss program. But as People magazine reported in 2009, she gained back all the weight and then some, ultimately hitting 228 pounds.

She's far from the only American to have battled obesity. During the past 20 years, there's been a spike in obesity rates, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2009, only Colorado and the District of Columbia had a prevalence of obesity less than 20%.

But Alley seems determined to do her part to bring down the obesity rate.

Recently, she's been slimming down with the help of her own diet plan, called Organic Liaison. And she may be right about the calorie-burning benefits of ballroom dancing.

One hour of cutting the rug burns about 370 calories, according to the American Cancer Society website. That's more than four times the calorie-burn you'll get from one hour of another popular activity.

Sitting there watching "Dancing with the Stars."

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