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Killing Time While Web Pages Load

Unless you have a high speed connection to the net, you can spend an awful lot of time waiting for pages to load. A company called Zing Network has come up with the bright idea of using that time to present entertainment, some advertising and maybe even some education. Zing CEO Mark Platshon says you can download the software for freeÂ…

"Which then operates in the background to each day check into our servers and pull essentially a table of contents of the choices of the kinds of stuff you want while pages are loading and then your computer can go out in the background, without ever slowing you down, and pull that content."

There are jokes, cartoons, language flash cards in French and Spanish, photographs or music clips from Rolling StoneÂ…. (sound)

"These music clips are about ten seconds or so but give an idea of what the album is about. And it links directly to, each Zing spot can have a live link, and in this case it links to an album review in Rolling Stone's site."

Even the language learning flash cards are out of the ordinary. The site where you can go to try it out is

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