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Katie Couric's Notebook: Political Sexism

Most of this week, Barack Obama's offhand comment about "lipstick on a pig" was the talk-of-the-town on cable and radio shows, if not the real towns.

It may not have been the best choice of words, but it wasn't sexism, it was a sideshow –and the distraction was an insult to the voters.

It was also evidence of how much Sarah Palin has scrambled the political world – and made everyone's words fair game. Before John McCain put Palin on the ticket, I never thought I'd see liberals argue that a working mom can't handle five kids and this job at the same time. And I never thought I'd see social conservatives argue that even questioning her ability to do both – is sexist.

More than any of the pundits predicted, Palin has reenergized the McCain campaign and awakened Democrats to the reality that Hillary Clinton isn't every woman's idea of the perfect candidate. Turns out feminism comes in many shades of blue – and red.

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