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Katie Couric's Notebook: Life in a Day

As the famous line goes, there are 8 million stories in the naked city. But there are six billion of them in the naked world.

Tomorrow, people all over the globe will film a short video of their day - hopefully fully-clothed - and post it on YouTube. The project is called Life in a Day, and the submissions may end up part of a feature film.

Odds are, a few people will capture something extraordinary. The rest of us will probably just be making lunch, driving our kids to swimming lessons, or beating the heat on the sofa with a Netflix rental.

But it's not an individual submission that makes the project so interesting - it's the collective experience - seeing what July 24th was like from Boston to Bangladesh.

As an artist named Paul Klee once said, "A single day is enough to make us a little larger, or, another time, a little smaller."

Tomorrow a window on our worlds may just do both.

That's a page from my notebook.

I'm Katie Couric, CBS News.

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