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Kathy Griffin: My Ex Stole From Me

Kathy Griffin says her 4½-year marriage ended in divorce after she discovered her now ex-husband was taking money from her bank accounts.

In an interview on CNN's "Larry King Live" that aired Monday night, the comedian accused Matt Moline of taking $72,000 over a period of time.

"My ex-husband, without my knowledge, was sneaking into my wallet when I was asleep in the mornings and taking my ATM cards of my own private accounts and withdrawing money," Griffin alleged. "That money totaled $72,000. ... over about a year and a half."
He "admitted it and apologized," she said. They went to couples therapy, but couldn't "get beyond the trust issue."

In a statement released to CNN, Moline said he was upset about Griffin's comments.

"Since our divorce, I have not made any public comments about my ex-wife or our marriage," he said. "It saddens me that she would choose to make such accusations at this time. I have no intention of engaging in a public debate over private matters."

Griffin and Moline were married in February 2001. She filed for divorce last September, citing irreconcilable differences. They have no children.

"Eventually, I end up putting everything into the act," Griffin, the star of Bravo's "My Life on the D-List," said. "I kind of turn tragedy into comedy, and I find that that's a great way for me to kind of deal with it."

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