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Joe Shows at McCain Campaign Stop

From CBS News' John Bentley:

(SANDUSKY, OHIO) – Joe showed. At a brief stop campaign stop here, Joe the Plumber appeared with John McCain at a gazebo in a downtown park.

"I was at an event earlier and I introduced you and even though you weren't even there they cheered for you loudly, so thank you," McCain said about Joe Wurzelbacher, as he introduced him at this stop as "the voice of small business" and "what the free enterprise system is all about."

"Get involved in the government," Wurzelbacher said. "That way we can hold our politicians accountable and take back our government. It's all ours.''

McCain reminded the crowd how important the state of Ohio is before hopping on his bus on his way to his next stop on his tour.

"It's been a long time since somebody has been elected president of the United States without winning the state of Ohio," McCain said. "I need your vote and I need you to turn out in just five days and carry Ohio and carry us to the White House."

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