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Joe Biden to travel to Iowa next week

WASHINGTON- Vice President Joe Biden will travel to Des Moines, Iowa, on Feb. 12, the White House announced Friday.

Biden has not yet decided whether he'll make a third run for the presidency. Hillary Clinton is the undeclared Democratic front runner, and Biden considers her a friend. Still, he told ABC News in January that "there's a chance" he'll run, "but I haven't made my mind up about that, we've got a lot of work to do between now and then. There's plenty of time."

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This will be Biden's fourth trip to Iowa, since 2012, the Des Moines Register notes. He was last in Iowa in October, campaigning for Senate candidate Bruce Braley and for Rep. Dave Loebsack, who successfully defended his House seat.

The vice president will deliver remarks on the Obama administration's economic policies at Drake University and then will take part in a round table discussion at Des Moines Area Community College on partnerships between community colleges and employers.

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