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Jenna Bush: No Contest In Booze Rap

President Bush's 19-year old daughter pleaded no contest Wednesday to a charge of being a minor in possession of alcohol, and must attend alcohol awareness classes.

Jenna Bush was ordered by Austin Community Court Judge Elisabeth Earle to pay $51.25 in court costs, serve eight hours of community service attend six hours of alcohol awareness classes.

The maximum penalty was a $500 fine and community service.

She has until July 18 to comply with the court order. If she fails to comply with the order, a warrant could be issued for her arrest and driver's license could be suspended.

The University of Texas freshman appeared in court with her attorney William P. Allison wearing a sleeveless black blouse, pink Capri slacks and flip flops.

Her discussion at the bench with Earle was difficult to hear, but she did nod her head several times.

"Good luck to you, Miss Bush," Earle told her. For security reasons, she was allowed enter and exit the courtroom through a back door.

At one point, Bush became upset by photographers standing outside the courtroom and asked that security stand in front of the door windows to prevent any photographs.

Undercover Austin police cited Bush last month, charging her with a Class C misdemeanor, the lowest level of misdemeanors. The officers issued the ticket while checking for minors in possession of alcohol at nightclubs along the popular East Sixth Street entertainment area in downtown Austin.

Assistant Police Chief Mike McDonald said Jenna Bush, who was drinking beer, did not appear to be intoxicated. McDonald said two Secret Service agents were outside the bar and did not know she was inside drinking.

Two weeks ago, the judge postponed the case because Allison, had knee surgery and needed extra time.

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