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Jail cell, quieter than most, $155 per night...for "preferred" inmates in Alameda County, Calif.

Upgraded jail cells in Alameda County, Calif. are being offered to inmates, for a price. KBCW

(CBS) FREMONT, Calif. - Inmates in Alameda County, Calif. serving time for misdemeanor offenses can pay a price to serve their time in less-crowded conditions at the Fremont Police Detention Facility, CBS San Francisco reports.

Under a new, unique program called "Pay to Stay," the Fremont jail offers inmates eligible by a court order to stay at their quieter jail for $155 per night, with a one-time fee of $45.

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Geneva Bosques, the spokeswoman for the Fremont Police Dept., says it isn't as glamorous as it sounds.

"There are no mints or cookies on the pillow," she told the station. "It is still jail and you would still be treated just like any other inmate that is serving time. There are no special treatments. You get the same meals that all the other inmates get. You get the same freedoms to make phone calls, to watch TV," Bosques continued.

While the program has the potential to give Fremont a financial boost, it certainly has its critics.

Carl Takei, of the American Civil Liberties Union, says the program unfairly benefits the rich.

"It violates the principal of equal justice. The punishment that somebody gets should be dependent not on how much they can afford to pay, but on what the crime they committed was," Takei told the station.

As of last week, no inmates had used the "Pay to Stay" program, according to jail officials.

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