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Jackson's 'Doomsday Scenario'?

A biographer of Michael Jackson says numerous factors may be contributing to the pop star's recent courtroom actions.

Jackson's behavior has been strange, even for him.

On Monday, he arrived at court weak, looking disheveled, complaining of severe back pain, and apparently needing help walking.

It was the third time there have been delays because of Jackson's health.

During jury selection, Jackson was hospitalized for flu-like symptoms.

On March 10th, Jackson arrived 45 minutes late, dressed in pajamas and saying he had back pain.

Some observers are wondering if Jackson is suffering a breakdown, or is engaging in a sympathy play.

The biographer, , tells The Early Show co-anchor Julie Chen everything may be coming to a head for Jackson.

"In order to understand Michael Jackson," says Taraborelli, "you have to understand that this is a man who has been building an image for himself from about the age of 8, when most kids are building tree houses. And Michael has a carefully constructed image that has to do with Peter Pan and never growing up and never really being an adult.

"And sitting here in Santa Maria in court day after day after day and watching that image be completely destroyed, I think, has been very difficult for Michael. I mean, we've seen pornography here. We've heard about drinking at Neverland (Jackson's ranch).

"And I think that if I were to imagine Michael Jackson's doomsday scenario, it would be this. It would be having his entire life laid bare for the public to see."

Taraborelli, who is also a CBS News consultant, doesn't know for sure if, as Jackson's camp claims, he's suffering from back pain. But, adds the author, "He's clearly suffering from something. I've never seen Michael look quite as feeble and as bad as he's looked in recent days. I also think it's clear that he's on some kind of medication. He looks heavily medicated.

"And I think the combination of his back pain, along with the medication that he's taking to treat it, are combining to make him look very feeble and very weak."

It harkens back to 1993, notes Taraborelli, when similar sex abuse allegations were lodged against Jackson, and he wound up going into rehab to break an addiction to prescription medicines.

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