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It's Curtains For 'Murphy Brown'

After 10 years, 18 Emmys, 245 episodes and a dash of controversy, the indomitable Murphy Brown is leaving CBS and the national stage Monday night.

In a trip back in time, CBS This Morning Co-Anchor Jane Robelot recalls the first episode.

It was November of 1988 when Murphy Brown strode out of an elevator and into America's living rooms for the first time.

The series intermingled laughter with serious, smart story lines and became one of the most popular and critically acclaimed shows of the last decade.

"I love that she's described as crusty and cranky and aggressive and edgy. And I love all that about her and she's so much fun to play," says Candice Bergen about her title character.

In 1992, then vice president Dan Quayle accused the series of mocking family values, but the show, in turn, mocked Quayle.

Controversy became a trademark, and the final season has seen Bergen give new dimension to Murphy's persona as she battles breast cancer.

Many famous guest stars, including John F. Kennedy Jr., have appeared in the show and tonight will be no exception. The final episode features Julia Roberts and Bette Midler.

The show may be over, but Faith Ford and other cast members say the family they found in Murphy Brown will continue for a long time.

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