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ISP: Road Kill

On today's show: A William Tell Overture for Moms; raccoon road kill in Illinois; and a not-so-subtle paternity testing van.

If you haven't seen Anita Renfroe's William Tell Overture yet, head over to her site. I decided to feature it today on ISP because it's only been up on YouTube for five days, but it already has been viewed more than 1 million times.

Renfroe attempts, successfully, to boil down everything a mom says on an average day into 2:55, set to the tune of the William Tell Overture. I wouldn't call it funny, so much as impressive. It really reminds me of that McDonald's "Menu Song" from the 1980s, which, by the way, I am still able to recite.

If you've watched our show before, you know how much I love local news packages from around the country. I am especially gaga over investigative pieces. Today's clip from a story on raccoon road kill in Illinois is not to be missed.

Have you heard about the Boston Paternity that actually makes house calls to determine "who's the daddy." The van made me laugh out loud. It has a giant pink zygote or egg being fertilized on the side of it. So tacky I can't help but love it!

Have a great weekend, guys!

Oh, and be sure to send us any video clips that you think are weird, wild, disgusting, funny, or just something I can mock out playfully.

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