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Is There A Scandalous Video Of Britney?

A video taken during Britney Spears' downward spiral could be released, the New York Daily News reports.

The footage was reportedly shot during a party at New York club One in early February, when Spears took off her clothes in a back room of the club and tried on the clothes of the dancers who worked there.

The newspaper reports that there are also photos of the pop stars' derriere and that bidding for those has peaked at $150,000.

Photos: Britney Spears

The club's dancers have told friends that they were fired after the video was discovered in which they reportedly do some "serious partying" with Spears. At this point, it's not clear what "serious partying" could mean.

A rep for the club told the newspaper the ladies were "absolutely not fired" and that there were no security cameras that captured footage.

But another source insisted, "Yes there are. There's a camera above the office back there that can see that whole room."

High-Profile Healing
"If that (video) goes on the Internet, there's going to be big trouble. It might be what they need to take (Spears') kids away from her," a source said of the video.

Spears is at the Promises rehab facility in Malibu, Calif. A British tabloid reported over the weekend that the singer told doctors that she has suffered from bulimia since she was a teen.

Spears' ex, Kevin Federline, had called for a custody hearing (they have two sons, Sean Preston, 18 months, and Jayden James, 6 months) just before the singer entered the facility last month.

Us Weekly reported last week that Spears is not doing well at the facility and that she is having a hard time admitting that she has a problem.

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