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Is Biden Looking Ahead to 2016?

Vice President Joe Biden has proven his mettle within the Obama administration, according to an article from the Los Angeles Times, but his aspirations don't end there.

"Biden's ambitions go beyond serving as an influential vice president," write Peter Nicholas and Paul Richter. "He doesn't necessarily believe his political career has peaked. Aides said he might go for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016. He would be 74 upon taking office, but his staff insists that's not too old."

The vice president has taken an active role in foreign policy debates and on issues that are central to the administration -- most notably, he has been one of the biggest advocates of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, otherwise known as the economic stimulus plan which was passed and signed by President Obama in February.

"For the president to give him the single largest initiative to date (the stimulus) with all the potential risks and pitfalls attached, speaks to a level of trust that's quite real," White House Communications Director Anita Dunn told the LA Times.

Biden, along with, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, is visiting today Jackson Middle School in Orlando, Fla. to highlight how the stimulus is saving tens of thousands of teaching jobs and providing more educational resources.

While he is well known for his verbal gaffes that have already put the Obama administration in some awkward positions, the Times reports the vice president has made great use of his deep knowledge of certain issues like foreign policy questions, as well as his strong personal relationships. Biden reportedly has kept his old locker at the Senate gym and has maintained friendships in the Senate by inviting members to his home.

Biden is also reportedly working on his personal relationship with Mr. Obama and was disappointed to learn he could not give the president a Nintendo Wii for his birthday, since the Obama daughters already have one. He instead purchased him a golf range-finder.

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