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ICYMI: A look back at Sunday's 60 Minutes

On the Line, Outbreak Science, The Unseen Enemy
On the Line, Outbreak Science, The Unseen Enemy 42:39

Here's what you may have missed this week on 60 Minutes.

How Ford and GM joined the fight against the coronavirus

How GM and Ford switched from building vehicles to making medical supplies 13:22

The computer algorithm that was among the first to detect the coronavirus outbreak

Outbreak Science: Using artificial intelligence to track the coronavirus pandemic 13:17

Fighting an unseen enemy: How the military is protecting itself from the coronavirus pandemic

How is the coronavirus pandemic changing America's military? 12:34

Coronavirus: The hidden pain and sorrow of dying at home

COVID-19 victims' stories: Tim Liszewski 05:10

From vehicles to ventilators, Ford and GM take on coronavirus

Ford & GM pivot production to fight pandemic 03:48

From the 60 Minutes archives: Mandy Patinkin on playing Saul Berenson

From the 60 Minutes archives: Mandy Patinkin on playing Saul Berenson 01:20

Single mom laid off due to coronavirus finds way to help neighbors in need

Single mom laid off due to coronavirus finds way to help neighbors in need 01:14

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