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I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me

Think the NSA-eavesdropping controversy has stirred up a wave of concern from those concerned about privacy issues? Wait until they get a load of this report in the Christian Science Monitor today:

The US government is developing a massive computer system that can collect huge amounts of data and, by linking far-flung information from blogs and e-mail to government records and intelligence reports, search for patterns of terrorist activity.

The system - parts of which are operational, parts of which are still under development - is already credited with helping to foil some plots. It is the federal government's latest attempt to use broad data-collection and powerful analysis in the fight against terrorism. But by delving deeply into the digital minutiae of American life, the program is also raising concerns that the government is intruding too deeply into citizens' privacy.

The program relies on a "little-known system called Analysis, Dissemination, Visualization, Insight, and Semantic Enhancement (ADVISE)":
What sets ADVISE apart is its scope. It would collect a vast array of corporate and public online information -- from financial records to CNN news stories - and cross-reference it against US intelligence and law-enforcement records. The system would then store it as "entities" -- linked data about people, places, things, organizations, and events, according to a report summarizing a 2004 DHS conference in Alexandria, Va. The storage requirements alone are huge - enough to retain information about 1 quadrillion entities, the report estimated. If each entity were a penny, they would collectively form a cube a half-mile high - roughly double the height of the Empire State Building.
In the ongoing struggle between the "keeping us safe" and "protecting our privacy" forces, this one should only ratchet up the volume. (Do you think they saw this before I even published it?)
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