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Hoyer: Supplemental May Slip Until Next Week

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) acknowledged Wednesday that the House may not finish its work on a massive war supplemental spending bill until next week.

Hoyer said the House was set to finish its work on the $170 billion bill to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on Thursday, but that the White House moved the date of its annual Congressional picnic from Wednesday to Thursday due to severe weather, which Hoyer said may force the House to wait until next week to complete its work on the bill.

Hoyer told reporters Wednesday morning that he expected the House version of the bill would pare down some of the spending added by the Senate and will likely drop a proposed 13-week extension of unemployment benefits.

By trimming spending and dropping the unemployment benefits, Democratic leaders are hoping to highlight an update to the G.I. Bill, which they have made a top priority.

It remains unclear if the House will include a measure to offset the cost of the expanded veterans benefits, as many conservative Blue Dog Democrats have opposed any expansion that isn't paid for.

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