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How Was You First Day At Work?

(AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
PressThink's Jay Rosen has set his bar for Tony Snow on his very first day as White House press secretary. Rosen notes a lack of explanation for the resignation of CIA Director Porter Goss and says he'll be listening for the reason today:
Reason-giving is basic to government by consent of the governed. Very basic. An Administration that doesn't have to give reasons for what it is doing is unaccountable to the American people and their common sense, to world opinion— even to itself.

To pressure the CIA director to leave after 20 months in the job, and to give no reason at all for it—not even "spend more time with the family"—is a big screw you to anyone trying to discern what the President is doing and what the government is up to.

This is why we have professional journalists as part of our public life. They are supposed to step in when reason-giving falters, and press for an explanation. And if on Monday, the White House press corps can't get an explanation for Goss's departure it will fail some basic test of usefulness.

Will the honeymoon be over before it really started for Tony?
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