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How to Be a "Super Saver"

Everyone knows someone who seems to save more than they spend. But what about people who are putting away more than half of every dollar they make?

In this month's Money magazine, senior writer Donna Rosato shares secrets of so-called "super savers," and what they have in common.

According to her report, super savers delay gratification, have no impulse buys, have an absolute avoidance of debt, automate their savings, and are flexible.

And on "The Early Show on Saturday Morning," two "super savers," Ed Haskell and his wife Debbie Chasteen, shared how they've saved more than $2 million for retirement.

Haskell explained the couple has been saving for almost 21 years. Their annual average income is around $80,000.

He said, "We've been able to save about half of that - 50 percent of it - each year for 21 years, and that adds up."

The couple has tried to avoid any type of debt completely.

Haskell explained the couple didn't buy a house until their mid 30s because, as an Air Force officer, he moved around often. When they did settle, they paid for their first house in cash.

They also settled in Macon, Ga., which Haskell explained, has a low cost of living. They also paid for their second house in cash.

Chasteen said planning is a big part of their strategy.

"We like to do a lot of research and find where we can get the best value for our money. So we decide, maybe we want to do a beach vacation, and so we'll do research to find out where is the most economical, where is the best place to go when we have the time available to take the vacation. So we just made a nice trip to Florida this past year."

But what if you're not a "super saver"? How can you save more money?

Rosato recommends automating your savings.

She said, "If you put your money away, have the money taken out before it can ever get into your wallet, you'll never spend money that you don't have."

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