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House Democrats Set Record On Roll Call Votes

They may be bogged down in debate over children's health, appropriations and Iraq, but nobody can say the House isn't prolific in its most fundamental duty _ voting on legislation.

The House last week held its 943rd roll call vote of the year, breaking the previous record of 942 votes, a mark set in 1978. The vote was on a procedural motion related to a mortgage foreclosure bill. When the House adjourned on Oct. 4 for the long weekend, the chamber had reached 948 roll call votes, putting Democrats on pace to easily eclipse 1,000 votes on the House floor in 2007.

Last year, the Republican controlled House held 543 votes, and for historical comparison, the last time there was a shift in power in Congress, Republicans held 885 roll call votes in 1995. The Senate, which has held 363 votes this year, isn't on pace to break any records, but has already surpassed the 2006 Senate mark of 279 votes.

Just what this all means is up for debate. Democrats say they're living up to promises made during the 2006 campaign, when they said they would worker harder, remain in session more days and hold more votes on American priorities.

“Not only did we finish the work the previous Congress left undone, we advanced our new direction agenda, with nearly 70 percent of our key measures receiving significant bipartisan support," said Kristie Greco, spokesman for House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.).

Republicans who have tried to attach the "do nothing" label to the Democratic Congress, of course, have a different take on the record.

"Never mistake activity for achievement," said Kevin Smith, a spokesman for House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio), attributing the quote to UCLA basketball legend John Wooden.

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