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Hockey 101: what do non-fans know about hockey?

(CBS) - Hockey is almost here, and before too long our burning questions about the new season will be answered. Can the Bruins defend the Stanley Cup? How many games will Sidney Crosby miss before he's back in fighting form? And most importantly, what is hockey? This video, titled "Hockey 101", may have the answer.

Yeah, nothing earth-shattering for actual hockey fans. But it's interesting to see how non-sports folks view the game. This artsy short was created by animator Jordon Scott. As he describes it: "For those who know me well, or even briefly know that I am a diehard Canadian born hockey fan (Canucks.) I decided to use this as the subject matter and wanted to get the opinions of some of my fellow American creatives on the sport of hockey which they may or may not know anything about."

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