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Hats are Back, Especially Fedoras

There's an old song, "Everything Old Is New Again." And there's an old saw, "Clothes make the man."

Well between the song and the saw, there lies a story, about hats. They're back - especially fedoras.

Now, I thought it was largely because of "Mad Men" the cable show about the 1960's on Madison Avenue. Every man wears a fedora on that show.

But if you look around, folks who weren't even born in the 60's have adopted Fedoras, including Justin Timberlake and Brad Pitt (to name just two.)

So on the CBS Evening News tonight, we'll put on out thinking caps (sorry...I'm allowed one hat "joke" and only one) and look at why last century's style is au courant again - and what it might mean for the old fashioned rules of etiquette.

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