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Hard boiled eggs are fun for Easter egg hunts, but are they safe to eat?

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(CBS) Hard boiled eggs are on the menu in many homes, as families get ready to do some dyeing for Easter. But after the hunt is over, are the eggs safe to eat?

Here's what the U.S. Agriculture Department's Food Safety and Inspection Service says:

*If eggs are to be eaten, use food-safe coloring to dye them. Those doing the dyeing should wash their hands before handling the eggs.

*Don't eat hard-boiled Easter eggs that have been lying on the ground. Eggs placed on the ground could pick up harmful germs, especially if the shells are cracked. Hide eggs in places where they are unlikely to be contaminated with germs from dirt, moisture, pets, etc.

*Keep track of time. The total time for hiding and hunting eggs should not exceed two hours.

*After being found, eggs must be washed and re-refrigerated - and eaten within seven days of cooking.

Happy hunting! (And healthy eating!) has more on egg safety.

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