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Halloween Savings

Consumers are expected to spend more this Halloween, but it's even easier than last year to scare up good deals on costumes, candy, decorations and more. Kelli Grant, Senior Consumer Reporter for shares five ways to save on Halloween favors.

Look for coupons to save on candy. There are more online coupons for candy on sites like and Print them out at home and pair them with store sales, and you can easily walk away with a few free bags.

Consider buying a costume from last year. Costume manufacturers make new versions each year of popular costumes like pirates, princesses and vampires. Check the clearance section and you could save 50%. We found a 2009 silver flapper costume for $30 on This year's version in black costs $70.

Visit Halloween attractions early. Haunted houses and other holiday attractions tend to get fewer visitors early in the evening and on weekdays. Not only will you get a scarier experience, but you'll also save. In NYC, Nightmare: Superstitions offers a $5 discount for paying in advance.

Buy seasonal decorations. Pumpkins are much cheaper this year thanks to a good harvest. Garden stores also have half-off sales on mums and other annuals leading into the winter season. Pick up some, along with a few extra pumpkins and hay bales, and you have cheap decorations to last past Thanksgiving.

Group buying sites should be another place you look for good discounts. Deal sites like and have offered half-priced vouchers for sites and local stores that sell Halloween costumes and decorations. Deals change daily, however, so you'll need to act fast.

For more information on Halloween savings and other consumer tips click here.
Kelli Grant & Erika Wortham

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