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Guilty verdicts in murder of Oakland Post editor, two others

Yusuf Bey IV KPIX

(CBS/KPIX) OAKLAND, Calif. - The former CEO of the once-prominent "Your Black Muslim Bakery" was found guilty Thursday of ordering the murder of an Oakland journalist and two other men.

Yusuf Bey IV and his business associate Antoine Mackey, both 25, were convicted of first-degree murder for the shooting of Oakland Post newspaper editor Chauncey Baily, in 2007. Both Bey and Mackey were also found guilty in the murder of Michael Wills, and Bey was found guilty for the murder of Odell Roberson Jr.

On Aug 2, 2007, Bailey was reportedly gunned down in downtown Oakland for working on a story about the organization's finances as it descended toward bankruptcy. Authorities said Bailey suffered three shotgun blasts in the attack.

Prosecutors said Bey ordered all three murders; Roberson for retribution and Wills at random.

Assistant D.A. Melissa Krum told jurors in her closing arguments last month that Bey ordered the hit on Bailey because he felt so desperate to protect the legacy of the bakery, reports CBS affiliate KPIX.

Bey's father founded the bakery, which promoted African American self-reliance, some 40 years ago and it became an institution in Oakland's black community. More recently the bakery was tainted by connections to criminal activity and financial woes.

"Justice has finally been done," Bailey's cousin, Wendy Ashley-Johnson, said outside court. "Now Chauncey can rest. This chapter is over."

Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O'Malley added that the verdicts affirmed "our abiding conviction that violence against the free voice of the press will not be tolerated in our society."

More on Crimesider

Dec. 13, 2010 - "Your Black Muslim Bakery" Sentencing: Richard Lewis Gets Life in Prison for Kidnap, Torture

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