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Gods Of Thunder Unhappy With Reporter's Question?

From CBS News' Scott Conroy:

JACKSONVILLE, FLA. -- After his campaign plane came in for a bumpy landing through a driving rainstorm, Mitt Romney held his second press conference of the day at the airport hangar here. The candidate was answering a reporter's question about the role religion may have played in the GOP contests in Nevada and South Carolina when an act of nature caused him to pause abruptly.

"I don't know that I have any particular reflections. I'll let other people take care of those things," Romney said, as a burst of thunder suddenly rocked the airport hangar. "Wow. See? See? Maybe He wants to say something!"

After Romney and the press corps had a good laugh, the governor continued with a comment on his big Nevada win.

"I think it was pointed out to me that I won in Nevada among evangelicals as well, according to the exit polls," Romney said. "And I think based on Eric Fehrnstrom's calculation, if no members of my faith had turned out at all, I still would have won in Nevada."

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