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Girl Scout cookies stolen, Good Samaritan to the rescue

Girl Scout cookies

(CBS/AP) ST. PAUL, Minn. - In February, someone stole 252 boxes of girl scout cookies plus $90 in cash from a troop in Woodbury, Minnesota.

Now, a Stillwater businessman has come to the rescue.

The girls were planning to sell the cookies outside a movie theater but first went to see a movie. That's when someone broke into their minivan and took the cookies, a cash box and a dozens of other items.

When real estate company owner Keith Keeley read about it in the Pioneer Press, he wanted to help. His granddaughter is a former troop member and he says the theft touched his heart.

So he's donating the value of the cookies and the cash - $972.

Good deed: priceless.

Kathi Eastlund, whose minivan was broken into, says she didn't expect such a donation.

So take that, cookie monster - if you're out there somewhere, gorging yourself on Thin Mints.

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