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Getting Any Stain Out of Any Fabric

The holidays mean entertaining, and while it's nice to have a house full of company, the stains, spills and scuffs they leave behind are Thanksgiving leftovers no one wants.

Candle wax? No Problem. Gravy? No worries.

On "The Early Show Saturday Edition," home and lifestyle expert Laura Dellutri offered great advice on getting anything out of anything! From the red wine on the carpet, to lipstick on linen -- even that glass ring on your wooden table -- Dellutri showed how to easily get rid of stains.

Not only that -- her tips would all cost you $5 or less:

Wine spills during the party!

No matter what size of spill, wine can cause serious damage to your carpet. Not using the right product can result in a stain that will be a permanent reminder of a holiday party mishap.

Tip: Use a solution that works in seconds and can be used immediately on a variety of items such as tablecloths, linens, clothing and carpets.

Method: Use ice water and wine remover to instantly remove the stain.

Product: Wine-Out Stain Remover $3.99 retail

Candle wax on wood surfaces or mantle

In an effort to set the mood for holiday cheer, candles often become a mess, especially once the wax has dried. Chipping away at wax residue is a time consuming fix that will keep you from enjoying your party and entertaining your guests.

Tip: Try using a plastic putty knife and orange cleaner to easily cut through wax residue within minutes.

Method: Use a "plastic putty knife."

Product: Goo Gone $4.39

Yellow stains from coffee or tea on your white table cloth

Tip: For fresh stains, use LA's Totally Awesome cleaner. For old stains on white table cloths, use Brite White.

Method: Use powerful LA's cleaner for fresh coffee and tea stains. For old yellow stains, use Brite White Laundry whitener. Fill your washer and let soak for five minutes.

Products: LA's Totally Awesome Cleaner $1.00 all dollar stores; White Brite $3..99

Cranberries on your placemats

Tip/Method: Use peroxide in a spray bottle to remove and blot with ice cold water.

Product: Hydrogen Peroxide; 50 cents from any drug grocery store

Gravy or salad dressing and even lipstick on your napkin

When entertaining guests, you may not want to take the time to clean each individual stain on a napkin with lipstick, gravy or salad dressing. Watching a holiday movie with the family sounds like more fun!

Tip: Use a powerful and reliable solution,Resolve Stain Remover. With this spray, you can treat laundry stains when they happen, and wash them out up to a week later.

Product: RESOLVE Laundry Stain Remover $2.77

Drink rings left on your wood furniture

Careless guests might set drinks on your wood surfaces. How can you remove the white ring left behind?

Tip: A quick and simple solution is a non-gel toothpaste.

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