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Fun With History

FUN WITH HISTORY....What are the five best blog posts of all time? Brad DeLong lists his five nominees here, and Dan Drezner lists his here.

But today, D at Lawyers, Guns and Money has a post up about Kim DuToit's 2003 classic "The Pussification of the Western Male," and it strikes me that maybe we also need a list of the five worst blog posts of all time. Or maybe even ten.

I don't really have the memory for this kind of thing, so what do you say, commenters? The nominees, I think, shouldn't simply be the stupidest or most objectionable posts of all time, but should have a certain heft to them. Something where the author is really, seriously striving to make an especially moronic point. Trawling through Donald Luskin's archives would probably yield some paydirt. Or, for example, I recall an old Steven den Beste post where he spent a couple thousand words concluding that, yes, we could kick France's ass if it came to a shooting war. That's the kind of thing we're after.


(And no, there's really no need to nominate anything I've written, thankyouverymuch.)

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