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Freshmen decorate dorm rooms to start college in style

College is competitive, but decorating for college may be even more competitive.

Dorm rooms have come a long way in the past few years, as shown by various pictures circulating around Instagram. These dorm rooms are nicer than most young adults’ apartments and probably nicer still than a lot of folks’ homes. 

Lindy Goodson and Abby Bozeman attend the University of Mississippi, and a quick search will tell you that dorm decor is big business in their college town.

Tons of boutiques feature perfectly decorated dorm designs, custom pattern options for bedding and even designers available to consult with students directly.

Goodson confirmed that it’s commonplace at her school to design show-stopping rooms. 

“So many girls here decorate their dorm like this, so we never thought of doing anything different,” said Goodson.

But for most of the students, it seems it’s all in the name of creating a home away from home. 

“We knew we wanted cozy and calming,” said Goodson.

The college freshmen chose to find a few statement pieces that they loved and build their academic oasis around those details. 

“It wasn’t until we had chosen the paisley pattern and the paintings for above our beds that we were able to find the rest [of the room],” said Goodson. 

Larsen Block and Wendy Harrison

Larsen Block, another University of Mississippi student, also spent some extra time, and creativity, on her dorm room.

Block said that when looking for decorative items she found a painting online, and her roommate, Wendy Harrison, jumped at the challenge to create something especially unique.  

“When I sent it to my roommate she said she could paint something similar, which I think is better,” said Block.

The students also based their room off of a favorite piece. 

“My roommate gave me a blue monogrammed blanket as a graduation present,” said Block. “And she had a matching one, so we of course wanted to use them in our room.”

While it may not be the most important aspect of the college experience, it definitely seems as though it would make all of those long nights studying much easier to endure. 

“We wanted our room to look the way it does because it makes us happy every time we come back to it,” said Block. 

It’s safe to say a room that beautiful would make anyone happy.

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