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Former Rep. Halverson running for Jesse Jackson Jr.'s Congressional seat

Former Rep. Debbie Halverson, D-Ill., announced today that she is running to replace former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. after his resignation last week.

Halverson represented a Chicago district in Congress from 2009 until 2011 but lost her reelection bid to Republican Adam Kinzinger, who was just re-elected to a second term. Halverson also challenged Jackson in the primary for the 2012 election in a newly redistricted seat but lost to the longtime congressman.

Jackson stepped down on November 21 as he battles bipolar disorder and continues to deal with legal issues, including an investigation into whether he misused campaign funds.

In an interview with the Chicago Sun-Times, Jackson's former colleague, Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., said Jackson is not ready to address the public.

"Some moments he would be very articulate, very flowing with his thoughts, very much in control and command, but then at the drop of the hat, he just started crying," Rush said, recalling a recent meeting.

Rush said that Jackson is going through a difficult time and "does not want to be an embarrassment" to his supporters and family.

A special election has not yet been scheduled to replace Jackson, though state law requires one be held within 115 days after the seat is vacated. Cook County Clerk David Orr said he hopes to hold the election on February 26 or April 9, which is when previously scheduled elections will be held.

"Synchronizing the election dates will save at least $1 million, reduce voter confusion, enable all military voters to cast ballots and possibly boost turnout," Orr said in a statement.

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