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For Rescuers in Haiti, Success Is Rare

As the massive international effort to rescue people trapped under earthquake rubble in Haiti's capital enters its seventh day, CBS News correspondent Kelly Cobiella reports there are still rare stories of success.

For a rescue team from Los Angeles, one such story came just hours after a failure, highlighting the thin line between life and death after the epic disaster.

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The rescuers spent hours Sunday night trying to reach a 10 year old girl trapped under a mound of concrete, listening as she tapped from within. Then the sound stopped.

"We don't know what happened. We lost the tap," said Capt. Billy Monahan of the Los Angeles Fire Dept, leader of the rescue team. They had to call off the rescue attempt.

But hours later, another chance came to save a life. This time, it was an 18 year old woman stuck under the ruins of a hotel. She had been kept alive for days by neighbors passing food and water down into the rubble.

They were able to pull her from the twisted building, her small 100 pound frame showing only cuts, scrapes and a broken arm. She may also have sustained internal injuries, but overall, her saviors were amazed at what good shape she was in.

Rare stories like that which help keep rescuers motivated, and grant some small hope to the thousands of Haitians who are now entering their seventh day since the quake - many of them yet to receive any aid at all.

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