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Feline and falling dominoes come together at last

(CBS News) We've highlighted many a cat and kitten video here on The Feed over the years. And we've featured the artistic and complex domino works of YouTube user FlippyCat a few times now. And while there is the word "cat" in his username, there's never actually been an actual cat involved in his videos... until now. Watch how a cat reacts to dominoes falling in the video above.

I love the moment of silence and stillness that happens at about 36 seconds! The adorable animal antics video entitled "Best Cat Toy Ever?" was recently posted by FlippyCat who writes:

After her first reaction to dominoes falling, I wanted to see what Shammy would do with a longer setup..this was her reaction. (more...)
Shammy is my sister's cat. I only made two videos with Shammy before she went home.

You probably noticed that he writes there are two videos with Shammy. Don't worry, I've got you covered with the second one ready to go below. And to check out our previous posts on FlippyCat and his domino works be sure to click here or click here to go to his YouTube page.

UPDATE: FlippyCat tweeted to inform us that he did indeed used to have a cat named Flippy in his videos. Does your blogger here now have "egg on his face"? Without a doubt. Thanks so much for letting us know, and sorry for the oversight that will never, ever happen again. Promise.

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