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Europeans Mourn A Golf Great

Payne Stewart may have blared Born In the U.S.A. before hitting the links, but European golfers - and fans - were united Tuesday in mourning a fierce, but classy competitor from "across the pond."

In Britain, news of StewartÂ's death was plastered across the front page of almost every newspaper. Peter Alliss, who said he has known Stewart for 15 years, recalled in the Daily Mail how Stewart bragged during the RyderÂ's Cup that Â"his opponents were unworthy of carrying the AmericansÂ' bags.Â"

But, he continued, Â"It was characteristic of the man that he was the one who socialized with the British and Europeans in the bar afterwards, to try to make amends.Â"

Former European Ryder Cup Captain Seve Ballesteros also delivered an emotional tribute. Â"We are all too stunned for words,Â" the Spanish golf legend was quoted as saying by the Mail. Â"The game has not only lost a fantastic player and but a true gentleman and a wonderful human being.Â"

Â"Anyone who loves the game of golf will be in mourning today at the loss of such a great man.Â"

MasterÂ's champ Jose Maria Olazabal of Spain – set to tee off against Steward in Hawaii next month – said Â"I have no words to express how I feelÂ… Payne was a true sportsman on the course and a true gentleman off it.Â"

BritainÂ's Independent wrote that Stewart had found a particular popularity in Ireland, which, according to Stewart, was reciprocated.

Â"We get into the pub and get round the piano and I bring out my harmonica and the next thing you know, itÂ's about four oÂ'clock in the morning and time to go home. I think if I ran for mayor in Waterville (Ireland), it would be a landslide.Â"

British Open runner-up Jean Van de Velde said of Stewart's death, Â"It certainly puts into perspective little things like missed putts,Â" according to the Independent.

The BBC reported that at British golf courses, flags were flying at half-staff on Tuesday.

By Dan Milikow
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