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End of the World for John Cusack?

John Cusack is known for his risk-taking roles in films like "Say Anything," "Grosse Pointe Blank," "Being John Malkovich," and "Grace is Gone."

And now, he's back in the doomsday film, "2012," where his character takes risks as the world collapses around him.

Are You Ready for Dec. 21, "2012"?

Cusack said, "There's disaster movies, and then there are end of days, and that means that there's no place you can escape. It's the big one."

"Early Show" co-anchor Harry Smith pointed out that the movie refers to a Mayan prediction that the world would end on Dec. 21, 2012.

Cusack added the prophecies of Nostradamus also make the same prediction.

As for his own interest in the end of the world, Cusack said he's been interested in the topic since he was a child.

"Growing up as a lapse Catholic, I was very aware of the book of Revelations and the symbolism and the imagery and everything," he said.

But what was it like to make the switch from more cerebral movies to action film?

Cusack said he did have some action experience in the 1997 movie, "Conair." He said he likes doing physical films, it's just usually leading action men, such as Harrison Ford, that get the leading blockbuster roles.

"I sneaked in the back door and somehow got this one," he said.

Smith also mentioned the 20th anniversary of Cusack's romantic film, "Say Anything."

Referring to the boom box that his character holds high above his head in an effort to win the love of the female lead, Cusack joked that today that would be an iPod.

But does it feel like 20 years since the film was released?

"Some mornings, yeah, I feel a little older than others," he said. "I'm amazed that people still remember the movie, but it was a really fun time in my life, and I was really proud of the movie, and how it did. It's a nice thing that people remember something you did."

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