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Elvis: The King Of Collectibles

It has been 23 years since his death but Elvis Presley is still filling houses -- auction houses. The Saturday Early Show's Collectibles Expert Tony Hyman explores the value of The King's treasures.

Recent auctions have proved Elvis Presley fans are willing to pay bushels of money for rare items. An auction in 1999 sold almost $5 million worth of Elvis memorabilia.
Visiting Graceland
Elvis Presley's mansion in Memphis has been preserved as a museum. The Official Elvis Presley Web site offers a virtual tour of Graceland.

Every collector wants something touched by the King of Rock and Roll, making his autographs one of the most asked about collectibles.

Elvis was generous with his fans, autographing anything and everything put in front of him. He signed posters, programs, napkins and if you didn't have a piece of paper, he'd sign your hand, arm or any other body part you were willing to offer.

A plain Elvis concert program might bring $40 to $60, but 10 times that if autographed. Up to $600 is considered a base price for autographed photos and albums as well.

Find out about other collectibles described by The Saturday Early Show's Tony Hyman in the Collectibles Archive or visit Tony Hyman's Web site.

If you think you have a collectible worth a lot of cash, send an email to with "What's It Worth?" in the subject line. Or write to "What's It Worth?" The Saturday Early Show, 514 West 57th St., 6th floor, New York, N.Y. 10019.

The sky is the limit, however, for one-of-a-kind Elvis items. His draft card brought $18,000 at auction. His and Priscilla's signatures on a one-page addendum to their divorce papers were considered a bargain at $25,000.

Various books about Elvis appeared while he was alive, but so far, no one has turned up one with an autograph. So dig through those bookshelves and look for The King.

For more information on Elvis collectibles, Hyman recommends Robin Rosaaen, author of All The King's Things. Rosaaen can by reached by email at

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