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Edwards Backing Brings More Support For Obama

A day after getting the endorsement of John Edwards, Barack Obama received the backing of an Edwards ally – the United Steelworkers union. It's the second union that previously endorsed Edwards to throw their support behind Obama, following the Transport Workers Union.

"We find ourselves once again in agreement with Senator Edwards, this time with his decision last evening to endorse Senator Barack Obama," the union said in a statement, according to the AP. "And thus today, the United Steelworkers enthusiastically endorses Senator Barack Obama to be the next president of the United States."

"All of us," the statement said, "including we hope Senator Clinton for whom we have the utmost respect, must now do everything we can to ensure that Barack Obama is the next president of the United States. Now is the time for contention and division to cease, and for us to unite behind the changes for which Senator Obama and our members are calling."

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